As with every single female I know, including those I don't know on sitcoms and famous what-have-you's, everytime something major happens to cause the lady in question to spiral into depression, they go for a haircut.
I had this 'radical' idea of wanting a change in my hair style and colour.
I need a change.
I want a colour so radical, I will not be able to recognize myself in the mirror (No I do not mean Lime Greens, Shocking Pink, Scary Mary Ash Blondes and such). I just want something not so sedate. I want a full colour and highlights.
Maybe a change in hairstyle and colour is a woman's way of accepting to herself that things are going to be different now. Maybe we are chameleons, ever changing and adapting to the environment. Whatever...
I will have to run to two different salons to get it done. The inexpensive colour stylist seems to always favour me with a cut that makes me bloom like a friggin mushroom (Big poofy top and lean stem) but his colour contrast and technique is cool. The snipping stylist in another salon is friggin expensive but at the very least, he listens when I tell him "NO MUSHROOM". His colour skills though, leaves me wondering if the $260 I spent on colour alone, is for invisible dye.
Maybe a change will do me good. Maybe this is me finally accepting what has been the truth for weeks. Maybe I can forget the dull throbbing ache in my chest by shocking myself in the mirror. Riiiight... off we go! Tally Ho!
Post Note: I have just had a snip. Hmmm... Don't see much difference sides being neater. Maybe I shd do a fro to see a drastic change?
I had this 'radical' idea of wanting a change in my hair style and colour.
I need a change.
I want a colour so radical, I will not be able to recognize myself in the mirror (No I do not mean Lime Greens, Shocking Pink, Scary Mary Ash Blondes and such). I just want something not so sedate. I want a full colour and highlights.
Maybe a change in hairstyle and colour is a woman's way of accepting to herself that things are going to be different now. Maybe we are chameleons, ever changing and adapting to the environment. Whatever...
I will have to run to two different salons to get it done. The inexpensive colour stylist seems to always favour me with a cut that makes me bloom like a friggin mushroom (Big poofy top and lean stem) but his colour contrast and technique is cool. The snipping stylist in another salon is friggin expensive but at the very least, he listens when I tell him "NO MUSHROOM". His colour skills though, leaves me wondering if the $260 I spent on colour alone, is for invisible dye.
Maybe a change will do me good. Maybe this is me finally accepting what has been the truth for weeks. Maybe I can forget the dull throbbing ache in my chest by shocking myself in the mirror. Riiiight... off we go! Tally Ho!
Post Note: I have just had a snip. Hmmm... Don't see much difference sides being neater. Maybe I shd do a fro to see a drastic change?
At 4:01 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
Erm, no offence. I've just read your profile and last few posts. I'm confused. Are you a guy or a lady?
At 11:31 PM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Oh gawd... you cracked me up there. I was re-reading what I wrote to make you think I was male.. could it have been the afro hairdo I was contemplating? Or perhaps the words 'just had a snip'?
Pray tell!
Anyways... erm... I'm female.
At 11:47 PM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
erm ok... I have a little confession to make. I wasn't drinking yet when I last wrote the comment.
I just viewed my profile and found that I have suddenly been given a gender change.
That was prolly it huh? D'oh!
At 8:06 AM,
Acey Deucey said…
Yeah lah, your profile said "male" mah. I usually read a blogger's profile first before reading the blog proper. I like to form a picture of the blogger in my mind as I read the blog.
So as I was reading yesterday, I was thinking to myself, "This guy a bit the gu niang hor..."
At 10:59 AM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Wokies... now you can think to yourself "This girl a bit gu niang hor" then. hehe
At 12:06 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
Isn't a girl "supposed" to be "gu niang"? Not a sexist remark, this.
At 12:20 PM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Eh.... not really.
Aside from emotions, I am not really a girly-girl.
At 12:42 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
OK, let me put it this way.
I read your profile first BEFORE reading your blog. And your writing style is enough to suggest to me this seems to be a girl.
That's "gu niang" or "girly" enough, isn't it?
*Big Grin*
At 12:58 PM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Well I would be insulted if you didn't think I was female after reading my blogs. So thank you for having thought of me as a gu niang. hehe
Either that or I would come across as a wussy man.
Perhaps one day when we are bored outtav our wits, we shd have a conversation about the differences between a man and a woman's style of writing or expression.
At 1:13 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
By the way, someone had thought I was a lady after reading my blog. Duh.
At 1:23 PM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Oh you poor thing!!! *Pat Pat*
I wouldav killed the bugga and then banished him to the deep recesses of blog hell!
At 1:26 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
It's a her. Click through to find out who it was! Ha ha ha...
At 1:42 PM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Good Lord! Click thru which year or month??? It will take me forever!
hehe Dude... you do have a lottav blogs!
At 1:45 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
Ei, friend, you a little blur leh. In the comment above timed at 1:13p.m., I've already put down the link for you liao.
At 1:59 PM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Ever since I crashed 6 times in a row, I have developed paranoia and now I have in place, not one, not two but *drumroll* THREE layers of protection!
So essentially what these antivirus, antispywares and shields do for me, is they remove hyperlinks, autolinks that I can get to with a left click.
Anyways... I made a more startling discovery! Yr blogs gonna disintegrate in 2.5 mths!!! No!!! What am I gonna read for normalcy then??? That's the lifeline I cling onto right now (the blog dude... the blog)for sane everyday routine .
At 2:16 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
Fwah, you so high-tech arh. Can remove hyperlinks somemore.
OK, here is the link in words:
Heh, it seems as if nobody ever bothers with my countdown, except myself. Another reader actually asked me XX days to what? OK, I provide link again as proof:
Ah, I'm sure there're tonnes of other "normal" blogs out there for you to read.
But tell me, how did you locate my blog and when did it happen. I'm always curious about this and have actually asked one of my readers this. OK, I provide link yet again:
(Pai seh arh, sama advertising my own blog. Has never been my intention to do that.)
At 2:26 PM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Hey how do you delete yr own comments from someone else' blog? It's been eons since I last came back to blogger. I was previously updating stuff on another site that's sorta my own site.
I'm not the high-tech one... I have friends who are superduper consultants for such things. One such kind soul installed everything for me, including the shields. So far so good, ma baby hasn't been sick at all!
I'm gonna email you my replies instead of blogging here for the whole world to read. Not that it's a secret, but it's just a normal convo that no one shd be troubled to go thru. hehe
At 2:42 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
Deleting comments? There is that trash bin icon below every comment you've made in blogger, be it in your own blog or other people's. Just click on it.
Sorry about that deleted comment. I had left out something, so I reposted.
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