I'm living in a Gangsta Neighbourhood
I used to have this neighbour consisting of their mom, the elder brother and him, the baby of the family. I liked their mom for she was friendly and she loved my dog. I disliked the elder brother because he had this bad habit of staring right into your home whenever he walked along the common corridor, past our door. He also had a friggin booming voice and screech and every conversation he has with the family, you can be sure that neighbours within a 1km radius would hear too, word for word.
Every single time he walked past our house, he had to peek in and I always felt like a deer caught in the headlights each time he did so whilst I was in the living room. He didn't just look. He stared. Anyways, the elder brother got married after what seemed like eternity and moved out. What do you know, a couple of years later, they had a son. I shouldav known that if the brother didn't succeed in driving me to my grave, his little brat would. The brat would come to grandma's house every day and the dad would pick him up each evening.
I have a strong suspicion the little brat aspires to be a tenor or something because he has this annoying habit of shrieking at the top of his lungs ever so often. He has also never learnt to walk. He would run along the common corridors, with the pounding noisy sound of 10 elephants and one rhinoceros, back and forth, back and forth. (My theory holds true: Procreation should come with an EQ tag. Too insensitive? Sorry, no procreation for you buster!)
My mom mentioned that the neighbour's mom had approached my mom if she could loan her $6000. She said her youngest son owed some people money presumably for football gambling.
My mom of course said she had none to loan as politely as possible.
Following this, we started seeing signs of a loanshark starting a little mental warfare on this family. There was the initial crayon vandalism at the lift level, stating in loanshark-style calligraphy, the unit number of their apartment, the younger brother's mobile number with the words "Owe $ Pay $" (loosely translated to mean 'pay what you owe'). Then came the spray paint bursts of colours of those same words.
The loansharks then got creative and would come by their apartment at night, and smash or upturn flower pots quietly (don't ask me how this is done but none of the other neighbours heard it). Next came throwing a pack of coffee on their front door. The last thing I saw was the splashing of paint on their front door. This was done on various occassions, one colour per occassion, namely red, black, purple. Guess they couldn't decide what colour looked good on my neighbour's door. Finally the neighbour's mom revealed that her youngest son had lost his Identity Card and this card was used to loan money from said sharks (uh huh... sure auntie). I would sometimes hear people creeping about at 4 or 5am in the morning, rustling sounds and then quiet.
When I returned from Europe, my mom said the neighbours have moved and we now have new neighbours. I thought nothing of it, till I came home today and saw that red paint had been splashed on the new neighbour's door. Gosh! The loansharks had a glitch in their data system. What happens now that a new tenant has taken over?
Soon after, my new neighbour came back. This was my first glance of how he actually looked like. He resembles a construction or renovation contractor foreman (I heard him booming in dialect on previous occassions at some indian or bangladeshi worker).
Anyways, soon after this, my contractor foreman neighbour started making phonecalls on his mobile, whilst standing in the common corridor. He first called some people, asking them to check who pored paint on his front door (like wow! High Tech man Mr Foreman! Just the click of a button and you can actually find that out?? I am impressed!).
Then he called his housing agent and asked for the old neighbour's contact and new address. Soon after, he answered a call, presumably from the loansharks. He explained to them that he has taken over the flat now. After a few moments of silence, he started shouting vulgarities and asked the loanshark to give him a time and place (presumably this is to facilitate a meeting where they both bash each other's brains out). He stopped shouting abruptly and then started calling for the head of a gang I presume he belonged in. He told them the situation and what the opposition said. He says he is ready to go down to meet them anytime.
He started calling others to tell them about what had transpired between opposition and him. He told them that he is prepared to meet opposition anytime anyplace. Said the opp were amateurs for they didn't even dare to state a venue to meet. He also called the agent and told him that he wants the old tenant's address because he will go down to meet the mom and bash her younger son up for not resolving this even after selling this apartment. He had also placed a call to the police to make a formal report. He also called another dude to loan a security camera system. He says he will install this by tomorrow regardless if it is useful or otherwise.
Amidst all this, my dad was also telling me that my neighbour 4 doors down, had received an anonymous letter saying that if they do not restrain their dog from making so much noise, he/she will kill the dog (Yes, this was something I was considering a long time ago when their dog who is fat and a weird mutt breed with a bark like an alsation, started waking me from sleep at wrong times of day and night).
I am unsure which I should fear more. Living next to an active and hotheaded gangsta or whether we will receive a letter in the mail, threatening to murder my dog.
HaHa HaHa HaHa!!!! MWahahahahahahahahahahahah!
My my! What troubled times we live in.
Every single time he walked past our house, he had to peek in and I always felt like a deer caught in the headlights each time he did so whilst I was in the living room. He didn't just look. He stared. Anyways, the elder brother got married after what seemed like eternity and moved out. What do you know, a couple of years later, they had a son. I shouldav known that if the brother didn't succeed in driving me to my grave, his little brat would. The brat would come to grandma's house every day and the dad would pick him up each evening.
I have a strong suspicion the little brat aspires to be a tenor or something because he has this annoying habit of shrieking at the top of his lungs ever so often. He has also never learnt to walk. He would run along the common corridors, with the pounding noisy sound of 10 elephants and one rhinoceros, back and forth, back and forth. (My theory holds true: Procreation should come with an EQ tag. Too insensitive? Sorry, no procreation for you buster!)
My mom mentioned that the neighbour's mom had approached my mom if she could loan her $6000. She said her youngest son owed some people money presumably for football gambling.
My mom of course said she had none to loan as politely as possible.
Following this, we started seeing signs of a loanshark starting a little mental warfare on this family. There was the initial crayon vandalism at the lift level, stating in loanshark-style calligraphy, the unit number of their apartment, the younger brother's mobile number with the words "Owe $ Pay $" (loosely translated to mean 'pay what you owe'). Then came the spray paint bursts of colours of those same words.
The loansharks then got creative and would come by their apartment at night, and smash or upturn flower pots quietly (don't ask me how this is done but none of the other neighbours heard it). Next came throwing a pack of coffee on their front door. The last thing I saw was the splashing of paint on their front door. This was done on various occassions, one colour per occassion, namely red, black, purple. Guess they couldn't decide what colour looked good on my neighbour's door. Finally the neighbour's mom revealed that her youngest son had lost his Identity Card and this card was used to loan money from said sharks (uh huh... sure auntie). I would sometimes hear people creeping about at 4 or 5am in the morning, rustling sounds and then quiet.
When I returned from Europe, my mom said the neighbours have moved and we now have new neighbours. I thought nothing of it, till I came home today and saw that red paint had been splashed on the new neighbour's door. Gosh! The loansharks had a glitch in their data system. What happens now that a new tenant has taken over?
Soon after, my new neighbour came back. This was my first glance of how he actually looked like. He resembles a construction or renovation contractor foreman (I heard him booming in dialect on previous occassions at some indian or bangladeshi worker).
Anyways, soon after this, my contractor foreman neighbour started making phonecalls on his mobile, whilst standing in the common corridor. He first called some people, asking them to check who pored paint on his front door (like wow! High Tech man Mr Foreman! Just the click of a button and you can actually find that out?? I am impressed!).
Then he called his housing agent and asked for the old neighbour's contact and new address. Soon after, he answered a call, presumably from the loansharks. He explained to them that he has taken over the flat now. After a few moments of silence, he started shouting vulgarities and asked the loanshark to give him a time and place (presumably this is to facilitate a meeting where they both bash each other's brains out). He stopped shouting abruptly and then started calling for the head of a gang I presume he belonged in. He told them the situation and what the opposition said. He says he is ready to go down to meet them anytime.
He started calling others to tell them about what had transpired between opposition and him. He told them that he is prepared to meet opposition anytime anyplace. Said the opp were amateurs for they didn't even dare to state a venue to meet. He also called the agent and told him that he wants the old tenant's address because he will go down to meet the mom and bash her younger son up for not resolving this even after selling this apartment. He had also placed a call to the police to make a formal report. He also called another dude to loan a security camera system. He says he will install this by tomorrow regardless if it is useful or otherwise.
Amidst all this, my dad was also telling me that my neighbour 4 doors down, had received an anonymous letter saying that if they do not restrain their dog from making so much noise, he/she will kill the dog (Yes, this was something I was considering a long time ago when their dog who is fat and a weird mutt breed with a bark like an alsation, started waking me from sleep at wrong times of day and night).
I am unsure which I should fear more. Living next to an active and hotheaded gangsta or whether we will receive a letter in the mail, threatening to murder my dog.
HaHa HaHa HaHa!!!! MWahahahahahahahahahahahah!
My my! What troubled times we live in.
At 7:48 AM,
Acey Deucey said…
Good to see you back. Hopefully fully recovered.
My niece has recovered from her cough too. *Grin*
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