And so it begins...
Well... after a mash-up of anticipation, fear and faked nonchalance, I need to revel in a one liner I heard from K. "I messed up. I messed up with us"
That was from a couple of weeks back.
Long story short, we managed to sort some things out and even as I tread with trepidation into this, I am now with K. We had talked about seeing each other when I went up and then decided how things would go. Then he decided that he needs to come down sooner than my end year trip to US. Then as we progressed from talking once a day, to many times a day, he told me one day, that we may not have realized but we seem to be in a relationship already.
Like omg? People don't ask nor talk about it these days?
I feel cheated. I. Want. A. Refund. heh!
I can't describe the elation I'm feeling though. It's not like any relationship I've been in. Sure in past relationships I am glad to be in it but not so darn elated. This feels so right that it scares the cwap outtav me.
I love everything that he is doing right now... from his morning wake up call, to his MSN messages in between, and sporadic calls in between the day or something. We are essentially 17 hrs apart, his day my night and vice versa... but with the constant contact daily... it doesn't sting as badly being this far apart. Sure... it's still hard and I'm worried that distance is gonna be a killer on us, but for now, this is what we need to do if we wanna make this work. - shrug -
It's so comfortable being with him and we seem to be resonating together quite nicely, on a very well-matched frequency. I love that it's so easy falling in love with him. He makes me feel safe.
(Incidentally, all posts from July 2010, were saved and never published. I didn't know the direction of us and even when things seemed over in 2010, I still had this feeling that it wasn't the end. I decided then that I would keep the blogs till there was a finality to the story and post it all one shot. I'm glad I did... )
That was from a couple of weeks back.
Long story short, we managed to sort some things out and even as I tread with trepidation into this, I am now with K. We had talked about seeing each other when I went up and then decided how things would go. Then he decided that he needs to come down sooner than my end year trip to US. Then as we progressed from talking once a day, to many times a day, he told me one day, that we may not have realized but we seem to be in a relationship already.
Like omg? People don't ask nor talk about it these days?
I feel cheated. I. Want. A. Refund. heh!
I can't describe the elation I'm feeling though. It's not like any relationship I've been in. Sure in past relationships I am glad to be in it but not so darn elated. This feels so right that it scares the cwap outtav me.
I love everything that he is doing right now... from his morning wake up call, to his MSN messages in between, and sporadic calls in between the day or something. We are essentially 17 hrs apart, his day my night and vice versa... but with the constant contact daily... it doesn't sting as badly being this far apart. Sure... it's still hard and I'm worried that distance is gonna be a killer on us, but for now, this is what we need to do if we wanna make this work. - shrug -
It's so comfortable being with him and we seem to be resonating together quite nicely, on a very well-matched frequency. I love that it's so easy falling in love with him. He makes me feel safe.
(Incidentally, all posts from July 2010, were saved and never published. I didn't know the direction of us and even when things seemed over in 2010, I still had this feeling that it wasn't the end. I decided then that I would keep the blogs till there was a finality to the story and post it all one shot. I'm glad I did... )
At 9:42 AM,
Acey Deucey said…
Happy to hear about your recent adventures. *Grin*
By the way, we booked for our much postponed much delayed honeymoon for Tokyo in May, and am observing how things progress before deciding to go ahead or back out. There is a high chance it will be postponed for another year. Eww...
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