And in the midst of one of our conversations, the topic suddenly turned to gambling and mahjong. That got her excited. REALLY excited.
Excited enough to induce a rather ridiculous question from her. She commanded me (yes, commanded) to find three mahjong kakis for her. Looks like she is very deprived and gien of mahjong, and I told her so. She explained it's because her usual mahjong pals have become increasingly difficult to track down. Her last mahjong session was half a year ago.
Upon which I made the fatal mistake of mentioning that my three close friends are all mahjong lovers.
This looks potentially ugly, though I have since become increasingly intrigued with the idea.
Excited enough to induce a rather ridiculous question from her. She commanded me (yes, commanded) to find three mahjong kakis for her. Looks like she is very deprived and gien of mahjong, and I told her so. She explained it's because her usual mahjong pals have become increasingly difficult to track down. Her last mahjong session was half a year ago.
Upon which I made the fatal mistake of mentioning that my three close friends are all mahjong lovers.
This looks potentially ugly, though I have since become increasingly intrigued with the idea.
At 12:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
heh.. i'm way too amateur to play with you guys...sure will burn a big hole in my pocket.
At 1:36 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
Chaos told me she know how to 摸牌! Might be a good idea for us to steer clear of her. I'll let my expert friends "take care" of her.
At 6:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
actually 摸牌 is only for personal kick , isn't it.... i tried to learn 摸-ing,they are always "花“ to me leh.
btw, how are u feeling? better?
At 9:14 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
I'm surviving.
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