Zero Tolerance
Do you know how USA and maybe to a certain extent, Singapore, has made a zero tolerance stand for terrorists?
I have made one such stance too.
Zero Tolerance Stance 101: CAB QUEUE JUMPERS
(regardless of age, ethnic background and literacy level)
I actually woke up early today (ok pill induced sleep last night) to shower, and take a leisurely walk to the main road, just so I can wait for a cab without making a booking for a cab, as is my habit.
I got there, the skies were clear and not extremely sunny, there was a light breeze blowing and no one was waiting for a cab. Started to look like a perfect day.
After waiting for 15 minutes, I was still unfazed for I had time on my hands. I was supposed to make a detour to Grand Copthorne Hotel, on the way to work. My friend in Australia, had entrusted a colleague of hers to bring some discs in for me and I was to pick it up from the hotel's concierge.
All of a sudden, this 40ish year old woman came from across the road and she positioned herself not more than 5 metres from where I stood and made futile attempts to flag a cab. I deliberated if I really wanted to ruin my day by frog marching up to her, and give her the tongue lashing that I could feel bubbling within. I stood there, deliberating and seethed slowly. I did the backward count from 50 and in the end, the storm broke.
I walked up to her and told her politely that I was waiting for a cab. Know what she told me?
Cab Jumper: "I waited very long for a cab already".
Me: Yes but you were opposite the road! Not here!
Cab Jumper: "Yah! I waited very long already. I am rushing!"
Me: You rushing? You think I'm standing here waiting for a cab and arguing with you coz I AM NOT RUSHING???"
Cab Jumper: "Where you going har?"
Me: Don't ask me such ridiculous questions!
Cab Jumper: "I wait very long already. Very long"
Me (after careful consideration of the level of Auntie's comprehension): Just make sure to walk properly ok auntie? Try not to trip and fall and die as a result. Also when you eat rice? Don't choke to your death. Seriously, be careful, otherwise you can't be in a rush and jump other people's queues anymore. That would be a damned shame to others waiting for a cab before you who are NOT IN A FUCKING RUSH!
My only regret now, is that she is not educated. Say what you will about lowering myself to her level and arguing with someone who is illiterate. I do not give two fucking hoots about it. My rage for queue jumpers knows no bounds and especially does not give concessions to such low lives, based on age, ethnicity and IQ levels.
I have made one such stance too.
Zero Tolerance Stance 101: CAB QUEUE JUMPERS
(regardless of age, ethnic background and literacy level)
I actually woke up early today (ok pill induced sleep last night) to shower, and take a leisurely walk to the main road, just so I can wait for a cab without making a booking for a cab, as is my habit.
I got there, the skies were clear and not extremely sunny, there was a light breeze blowing and no one was waiting for a cab. Started to look like a perfect day.
After waiting for 15 minutes, I was still unfazed for I had time on my hands. I was supposed to make a detour to Grand Copthorne Hotel, on the way to work. My friend in Australia, had entrusted a colleague of hers to bring some discs in for me and I was to pick it up from the hotel's concierge.
All of a sudden, this 40ish year old woman came from across the road and she positioned herself not more than 5 metres from where I stood and made futile attempts to flag a cab. I deliberated if I really wanted to ruin my day by frog marching up to her, and give her the tongue lashing that I could feel bubbling within. I stood there, deliberating and seethed slowly. I did the backward count from 50 and in the end, the storm broke.
I walked up to her and told her politely that I was waiting for a cab. Know what she told me?
Cab Jumper: "I waited very long for a cab already".
Me: Yes but you were opposite the road! Not here!
Cab Jumper: "Yah! I waited very long already. I am rushing!"
Me: You rushing? You think I'm standing here waiting for a cab and arguing with you coz I AM NOT RUSHING???"
Cab Jumper: "Where you going har?"
Me: Don't ask me such ridiculous questions!
Cab Jumper: "I wait very long already. Very long"
Me (after careful consideration of the level of Auntie's comprehension): Just make sure to walk properly ok auntie? Try not to trip and fall and die as a result. Also when you eat rice? Don't choke to your death. Seriously, be careful, otherwise you can't be in a rush and jump other people's queues anymore. That would be a damned shame to others waiting for a cab before you who are NOT IN A FUCKING RUSH!
My only regret now, is that she is not educated. Say what you will about lowering myself to her level and arguing with someone who is illiterate. I do not give two fucking hoots about it. My rage for queue jumpers knows no bounds and especially does not give concessions to such low lives, based on age, ethnicity and IQ levels.
At 1:30 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
I'm a public transport person. :P
At 2:46 PM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
You are missing the point then.
There really is no mention of public transport here...
At 3:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
usually i will "cut queue", by walking ahead by another 25m. hee hee....
At 3:16 PM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
If it's far ahead or some corner where I can't see, I don't mind it as much.
Standing 5mtrs ahead is just too much. And telling me that she was waiting across the street for a long time, was even more inexcusable. Young, Old, there never is too late a time to LEARN.
At 11:09 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
My point is in the ":P".
Alright, I'm just being annoying. Ignore my comments on this one. *Grin*
At 11:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
that just remind me of my cab incident. it happened slightly more than 2 years back.
i had gotten into a cab off selegie towards home. While waiting for the green traffic light at the Little India Entrance Junction, a drunken Indian man staggered to my cab and opened the passenger door.
Luckily, my reflexes was fast enough.. i quickly pulled the door close, locked the door, before he could try again. Good thing, the driver drove away too.. PHEW..
So guys, do be careful when u drive down little india during weekends, especially at night. Remember to lock the doors.
Oh, I really don't meant to be racist...
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