The Force Seen and Mastered!

For the uninitiated, this blog is about Star Wars, Star Wars and Star Wars.
I met James at the Science Centre today for the miniscule Star Wars exhibition. I didn't feel a sense of anticipation throughout until I was in the line to pay for our entrance tickets (S$18 nonetheless!).
I caught sight of "Obi Wan Kenobi" "Anikin" on posters and lifesized standies and suddenly... I was excited. I wondered if I would get a chance at the "Light Sabers" or even if they were the real thing.
I had forgotten how much Star Wars thrilled me.
I walked into the merchandise store and started ooh-ing and wah-ing at all the different miniature Light Sabers being displayed. I turned around, and started hearing these voices beckoning me. They sounded like echo-ey sounds of a Light Saber being swished about. I gravitated towards the glass table and there resting innocuously, were 4 Light Sabers with a cardboard handwritten sign resting next to the 1.25m long sabers. It said "Please Do Not Touch The light Sabers".
Subconsciously, my fingers started to gingerly skim along the entire length of the light sabers. They were cool and smooth to the touch, fingers proceeded down the length, millimeter by millimeter, to the man-sized handles. The cool reflective metal set my heart a-pitter-patter. I was looking at all the different buttons and switches and before I knew it, something clicked (Oh! Did I Do That???) and the Light Saber came alive. It not only came alive, it came alive with a loud but low quiet hum. Transfixed, the noise from the crowd filtered off to constellations of nothing-ness and I was alone with the Light Saber.
I picked up the Light Saber and realised that the choice was made. It was the same Light Saber that Darth Vader uses, Red. The Saber called to me and in my hands as I lifted it above my head, I was one with the Light Saber. With each flick of my wrist, the Light Saber emitted a hum mimicking the speed of the movement. The faster I flicked from left to right, the more urgent the hum. James broke me from my reverie and it was then that we started to spar. I egged James to use his "caucasian power" to get the staff to take pics of us in mid-fight, in a face-off and with the sabers crossed, good and evil about to swipe the head off an unworthy opponent. I was all prepared to beg plead and cry if the staff rejected James. Thankfully, I did not have to stoop to such unglamarous antics in the end.
We had such exhileration walking through the exhibition thereafter, every single lifesized figurine, uniform, starship, bad and good character, brought back pieces of my life as each episode was made (Some of the episodes spanned a couple of years in between).
I got home slightly before midnight because we had errands to do in town as well, but tired as I was, I managed to load, resize and correct all the pics from today.
Oh yeah! I also managed to find my 'The One' in here too... wanna make a quick guess which one is my "The One"?
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