Luge Strategy: Lie Flat and Try Not To Die

This is why I deplore being busy and having absolutely no time to sulk at home with I, Me and Myself.
Ever so often, my schedule gets turned into a tornado measuring at least a F4 on the Fujita scale. This in itself is fine. I just get home tired and come 3am, I am comatose, ready to repeat the cycle the next day. My brain however, is a fervant subscriber to the Law of Physics where 'Every Action Causes An Equal and Opposite Reaction". Following this logic, the action would be the hectic schedule, hence the reaction would be my emotions getting affected and lately, it has been looking like a possible F5 damage scene.
I suppose it is a good thing to be extremely busy but the aftermath of destruction and desolation has become more intolerable lately.
I had one such episode last night after getting home. It has absolutely nothing to do with whom I was with prior to the episode, nor any particular incident that happened. It just happened within two blinks of the eye after I showered.
Perhaps I am losing it, perhaps it is normal, sometimes when disaster has struck, the realisation doesn't ever hit home till much later. I was perhaps running on the last vestiges of insulin and didn't feel the pain and shock till much later. And then POW! Alarms were clanging from the depths of my medulla, then the tornado broke. By the time I gained consciousness, I saw little men walking around the destruction site, that is my heart, assessing the damage. I saw them scribbling notes in their clipboards, thereafter pronouncing that this has been a F4 Tornado.
What remains now is for me to start damage control. I doubt this time round, I want to start collecting 'relief funds' (i.e. talking to friends). I am probably going to adopt the Luge Strategy and that is : Lie Flat And Try NOT To Die.
At 10:55 AM,
Acey Deucey said…
*Big Sigh*
Hang in there, my friend, hang in there.
At 11:32 AM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Hate this as much as you do too buddy.
At 11:57 AM,
Acey Deucey said…
Something to cheer you up.
Your prize is on the way. No idea when though. Hee hee...
At 12:02 PM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Wait... prize for victory now? Writing Quiz Qn No. 4?
Doing Quiz?
Aceing the Quiz?
At 12:16 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
For doing the quiz.
At 11:33 PM,
Nobody said…
Hey.... do quiz got prize? Haha... can i try?
Can win a car or not? Haha...
At 12:21 AM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Ha Ha Ha!
Aren't you too late dude!
My prize already in the mail! Woot!
You snooze you lose!
At 12:22 AM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
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