Hellos from Krakow, Poland!
Today's hostel has free internet use but I had to wait quite awhile. Thankfully I am still living in the Asian timeframe so I sleep late (1am here) and wake early (5ish am here). I usually have to creep around the room so as not to wake my mates up.
I thus did the same this morning, sussing around for my electric toothbrush, toothpaste, jeans, top for today, hairbrush, rest of the toiletries to make me human again and then creep out to the door, have it creak open, suck in breath for fear of waking others, then creep out into the ice cold air, freeze for 5 seconds, then run as quietly as I can into the bathroom.
So now, I have free internet all to myself! Woot!
I met 2 aussie girls (Lindsay and Rosie) in Vienna and we made plans to meet and stay in "Bling Bling" in Krakow. I was talking to the receptionist about the "Auswitzch Concentration Camp" tour in 'Bling Bling' hostel when I heard a familiar voice ring out saying"I thought I remembered that voice!" and then Lindsay's head peeked out in the common room. It was such a joy to meet up with them again! I had such a good time with them last nite! We didn't do much besides sit around and bitch and watch telly in a language we didn't understand. It was still fun. They are leaving today for Warsaw, Poland. I should be joining them in a day's time. These 2 girls are amazing. They are 24 years old and have saved A$20,000 each, taken a year off to travel the world. They are living from hand to mouth but seem really happy and relaxed with life. It would be cool if I could do that, but along with being a non-risktaker, I know it is not in me to do so. I have to know when my next source of income is coming and have all the creature comforts I am unwilling to do without at this age.
I also met some Americans in my bunk and they are doing a semester in Prague. They asked me to hook up with them in Prague so they can show me around. Sweet!
It's just been really cool meeting these people. I doubt people would be as friendly if I didn't stay in a hostel and if these people weren't young. I wonder where I went 'wrong' then. Should I (at my age) be staying in a hotel instead? I did that in Budapest and it was cool too. 50Euros per night for a pitiful hole in the wall. I have decided to stay 2 days in a hostel and 2 in a hotel in Prague, when I finally get there. I met a fellow Singaporean who is 21 yrs old. He seems to think I should be living more frugally. I don't even try to make him see that I am not a young backpacker trying to make ends meet on this holiday. I choose to stay in hostels for the experience and not the cost.
As for money, well I am paying for the hostel in Krakow via Visa. Thank goodness. Anything I can charge to a credit card, I charge. I am down to about 450 euros in cash. But don't worry Acey, worse case scenario, I eat in restaurants and stay in hostels only. The cash will last me through gifts and other emergencies, I think. HeHe!
It was quite scary taking the infamously dangerous and thief-ridden train ride from Budapest to Krakow though. I was praying so hard throughout the journey in between sleep. But I praise God that I got here safe and sound. Another scary ride is from Warsaw to Prague. Another 10+hour night train ride.
I'm sorry if what I've written does not have any form or subject matter. It's just a rambling download of thoughts in my head.
My last thought as I finish off this update, is that I didn't fancy Vienna and Budapest as much. Perhaps it is just winter that's making the 2 places seem dreary, perhaps I overexpected. But I sorta thought I would see cupid and angels in Vienna. None of these creatures appeared. Not even in my imagination.
Hmmm... Krakow in comparison is much colder and drearier but it still seems better in comparison. I hope that I will love Prague when I do finally arrive, otherwise it is just gonna be another big disappointment.
Till my next update then... and oh yeah! Acey! Why do you seem to be regressing whilst guest blogging? I seem to be reading about your past, your JC, your math attempt, your ex-teacher, your ex-friend.
I thus did the same this morning, sussing around for my electric toothbrush, toothpaste, jeans, top for today, hairbrush, rest of the toiletries to make me human again and then creep out to the door, have it creak open, suck in breath for fear of waking others, then creep out into the ice cold air, freeze for 5 seconds, then run as quietly as I can into the bathroom.
So now, I have free internet all to myself! Woot!
I met 2 aussie girls (Lindsay and Rosie) in Vienna and we made plans to meet and stay in "Bling Bling" in Krakow. I was talking to the receptionist about the "Auswitzch Concentration Camp" tour in 'Bling Bling' hostel when I heard a familiar voice ring out saying"I thought I remembered that voice!" and then Lindsay's head peeked out in the common room. It was such a joy to meet up with them again! I had such a good time with them last nite! We didn't do much besides sit around and bitch and watch telly in a language we didn't understand. It was still fun. They are leaving today for Warsaw, Poland. I should be joining them in a day's time. These 2 girls are amazing. They are 24 years old and have saved A$20,000 each, taken a year off to travel the world. They are living from hand to mouth but seem really happy and relaxed with life. It would be cool if I could do that, but along with being a non-risktaker, I know it is not in me to do so. I have to know when my next source of income is coming and have all the creature comforts I am unwilling to do without at this age.
I also met some Americans in my bunk and they are doing a semester in Prague. They asked me to hook up with them in Prague so they can show me around. Sweet!
It's just been really cool meeting these people. I doubt people would be as friendly if I didn't stay in a hostel and if these people weren't young. I wonder where I went 'wrong' then. Should I (at my age) be staying in a hotel instead? I did that in Budapest and it was cool too. 50Euros per night for a pitiful hole in the wall. I have decided to stay 2 days in a hostel and 2 in a hotel in Prague, when I finally get there. I met a fellow Singaporean who is 21 yrs old. He seems to think I should be living more frugally. I don't even try to make him see that I am not a young backpacker trying to make ends meet on this holiday. I choose to stay in hostels for the experience and not the cost.
As for money, well I am paying for the hostel in Krakow via Visa. Thank goodness. Anything I can charge to a credit card, I charge. I am down to about 450 euros in cash. But don't worry Acey, worse case scenario, I eat in restaurants and stay in hostels only. The cash will last me through gifts and other emergencies, I think. HeHe!
It was quite scary taking the infamously dangerous and thief-ridden train ride from Budapest to Krakow though. I was praying so hard throughout the journey in between sleep. But I praise God that I got here safe and sound. Another scary ride is from Warsaw to Prague. Another 10+hour night train ride.
I'm sorry if what I've written does not have any form or subject matter. It's just a rambling download of thoughts in my head.
My last thought as I finish off this update, is that I didn't fancy Vienna and Budapest as much. Perhaps it is just winter that's making the 2 places seem dreary, perhaps I overexpected. But I sorta thought I would see cupid and angels in Vienna. None of these creatures appeared. Not even in my imagination.
Hmmm... Krakow in comparison is much colder and drearier but it still seems better in comparison. I hope that I will love Prague when I do finally arrive, otherwise it is just gonna be another big disappointment.
Till my next update then... and oh yeah! Acey! Why do you seem to be regressing whilst guest blogging? I seem to be reading about your past, your JC, your math attempt, your ex-teacher, your ex-friend.
At 8:48 AM,
Acey Deucey said…
Glad to hear you should have enough money to see you through.
As for regressing, well, one thing just led to another. I was thinking what to write. "Writing" reminded me of English composition and my Primary Six experience. That in turn reminded me of all Secondary school experiences.
At 6:59 PM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Hmmm... strange.
I seldom see you blogging about the distant past.
Ah well... it is kinda heartening to tune into my blog in this freezing winter and find out that someone cares enough about me to keep my blog alive.
That there is someone out there to talk to me when all else goes silent.
Thank you Acey!
Ginger, Thank you for reading and conversing with me too!
At 7:29 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
I adopt very different states of mind on my own blog and on yours.
I am very aware I am writing on your blog, and that gives rise to very different types of ideas.
At 3:32 AM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
That should't be the case. When you are a guest writer on someone else' blog, you have to remember that you are asked to be a guest simply because of who you are on your own blog.
It shouldn't be a change in personality simply because it is my blog.
Silly Acey... I liked your blog and I wanted to see you bloggin on my blog the way you blog... haha
At 8:09 AM,
Acey Deucey said…
Key words are "gives rise" and "ideas". I don't curb myself. It's just that the ideas that hit me are different when I am here.
Indeed, some of those posts, I would have put up in my own blog as well if those ideas had hit me earlier. So I'm not changing the way I write. I very WYSIWYG one. :P
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