Terminating a friendship
I've never ever terminated a friendship actively (key word) in my life. Until the December of 2004.
I have, no, I mean, had, a friend, 淑. 淑 and I went all the way back to Sec. 3 (1990). I liked to think we were close friends, and she had indeed told me so on a few occasions.
We didn't get to know each other that well during Sec. 3 and 4, even though we were classmates. It was during the JC years that our friendship started to develop. We had enrolled in the same JC. I suppose it was natural since we were like lost beacons in the new surroundings. All the former secondary schoolmates just tended to congregate together. And 淑 being in the same former secondary class as I, we tended to speak to each other more.
But what really got the friendship going was her first and as far as I knew, only boyfriend. That took place during the 2nd year of her uni course, i.e. 2nd year of my NS. Suffice it to say the path of their love was strewn with obstacles.
She would often confide me in many of her relationship problems. I was a willing listener. I remember even once, I forgot the year now, when I received a phone call from her. She merely said she needed to talk, and could only think of me. I dropped whatever I was doing and we met up within an hour.
I still remember it took place at the MacDonald's in the old (and not expanded yet) Jurong Point. I just sat opposite her as she went through the latest set of problems to beset her relationship. I was a novice at such things, and could only listen. Then she started sobbing and I became very self-conscious. Self-conscious of other diners staring at us, especially me. Heh, it was quite comical on hindsight.
After we parted ways that day, there was silence from her front for the next few weeks, if not months. Then one day, I bumped into her on the streets. He was there with her. She was clutching a single rose and they looked happy. She blushed a little as she greeted me. Then they went on their way.
After which there was total silence again. I did try to keep in contact with her via phone, but she was almost certainly busy with work and such. This situation was to last for a couple of years. I thought to myself, when the romance stabilises a bit, she will start looking for her pals again. So I gave her space and time.
Finally she was able to "entertain" me in a phone call in 2001 (I think, exact timings are hazy now). The first thing she said to me was,
"I'm married."
You know, I was very upset at her. The least she could do was to inform her friend about it so that we could celebrate it or something. Nothing. I told her so. She apologised.
A couple of months later, another phone call to her. Another one-liner from her that absolutely floored me,
"I'm divorced. No, the proper word is "separated"."
Now note that since that chance meeting along the streets in the late 90s, I have not had the chance to meet up with her. More often than not, we would arrange something and at the very last minute, she'd call and cancel (she said postpone but nothing more is heard about it later) the outing.
So this time, knowing that she had just separated, I gave her more space and time again. But I also told myself if she doesn't respond to my invitations to continue with the friendship thereafter, I will terminate it. Actively.
I gave her her final chance in December 2004. I did the same thing as I had everytime I was back in town from Sydney. I called up my pals one by one to catch up and maybe meet up. She agreed and we fixed a venue and time. Yes, the same thing happened as before. Last minute cancellation, a promise to come back with a revised timing, and the subsequent total silence.
Just before I flew back to Sydney in February 2005, I deleted her phone numbers and address from my database.
Now, you might wonder why I am so stupid and keeping banging my head against the wall with respect to her. It seemed pretty obvious that she wasn't interested in the friendship a long time back. I knew that. But the reason for my apparent stupidity is simple. I treasure each and every friendship I have. I don't give up on them.
She was the first to have made me give up on a friendship. Hopefully she will be the last.
I have, no, I mean, had, a friend, 淑. 淑 and I went all the way back to Sec. 3 (1990). I liked to think we were close friends, and she had indeed told me so on a few occasions.
We didn't get to know each other that well during Sec. 3 and 4, even though we were classmates. It was during the JC years that our friendship started to develop. We had enrolled in the same JC. I suppose it was natural since we were like lost beacons in the new surroundings. All the former secondary schoolmates just tended to congregate together. And 淑 being in the same former secondary class as I, we tended to speak to each other more.
But what really got the friendship going was her first and as far as I knew, only boyfriend. That took place during the 2nd year of her uni course, i.e. 2nd year of my NS. Suffice it to say the path of their love was strewn with obstacles.
She would often confide me in many of her relationship problems. I was a willing listener. I remember even once, I forgot the year now, when I received a phone call from her. She merely said she needed to talk, and could only think of me. I dropped whatever I was doing and we met up within an hour.
I still remember it took place at the MacDonald's in the old (and not expanded yet) Jurong Point. I just sat opposite her as she went through the latest set of problems to beset her relationship. I was a novice at such things, and could only listen. Then she started sobbing and I became very self-conscious. Self-conscious of other diners staring at us, especially me. Heh, it was quite comical on hindsight.
After we parted ways that day, there was silence from her front for the next few weeks, if not months. Then one day, I bumped into her on the streets. He was there with her. She was clutching a single rose and they looked happy. She blushed a little as she greeted me. Then they went on their way.
After which there was total silence again. I did try to keep in contact with her via phone, but she was almost certainly busy with work and such. This situation was to last for a couple of years. I thought to myself, when the romance stabilises a bit, she will start looking for her pals again. So I gave her space and time.
Finally she was able to "entertain" me in a phone call in 2001 (I think, exact timings are hazy now). The first thing she said to me was,
"I'm married."
You know, I was very upset at her. The least she could do was to inform her friend about it so that we could celebrate it or something. Nothing. I told her so. She apologised.
A couple of months later, another phone call to her. Another one-liner from her that absolutely floored me,
"I'm divorced. No, the proper word is "separated"."
Now note that since that chance meeting along the streets in the late 90s, I have not had the chance to meet up with her. More often than not, we would arrange something and at the very last minute, she'd call and cancel (she said postpone but nothing more is heard about it later) the outing.
So this time, knowing that she had just separated, I gave her more space and time again. But I also told myself if she doesn't respond to my invitations to continue with the friendship thereafter, I will terminate it. Actively.
I gave her her final chance in December 2004. I did the same thing as I had everytime I was back in town from Sydney. I called up my pals one by one to catch up and maybe meet up. She agreed and we fixed a venue and time. Yes, the same thing happened as before. Last minute cancellation, a promise to come back with a revised timing, and the subsequent total silence.
Just before I flew back to Sydney in February 2005, I deleted her phone numbers and address from my database.
Now, you might wonder why I am so stupid and keeping banging my head against the wall with respect to her. It seemed pretty obvious that she wasn't interested in the friendship a long time back. I knew that. But the reason for my apparent stupidity is simple. I treasure each and every friendship I have. I don't give up on them.
She was the first to have made me give up on a friendship. Hopefully she will be the last.
At 11:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Bumble bee~
Ya, i know wat u mean... i think the problem lies with how we can be so damn sentimental... still wanting to cherish the friendships in which we had wonderful shared memories...
At 9:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, I am currently going through a similar process with two friends for whom I care a lot and have always gone out of my way to help. In recent weeks I was going through a difficult phase (something they knew to be a very temporary thing), but they completely ignored me, knowing I was in distress. Although I have not broken up with them, due to the difficulties I had in the last few weeks, they just seem to have lost interest in me. How strange can people be. I was not even demanding or needy, I just told them I was having difficulties that were causing me distress. As they have stopped acknowledging me, I feel like a loser, but if they ever contact me again, they could eat static. The ones that hurt you most are the ones you sincerely care about.
At 9:14 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
I'm certainly surprised that an old and abandoned (shame on you lah, Chaos) blog still gets the odd reader here and there.
Well, Anon, I'm sad to hear about your recent experience. On the bright side, you've finally seen their true personalities. That should give you the strength to delete, purge and move on.
At 9:40 PM,
Unknown said…
Well Anon II... it is true that the ones we always hurt, are the ones closest and dearest to us. And obviously in comparison, we are always most polite to strangers. I wonder why this is so when you might never meet the stranger again and yet... we have to face our closest and dearest all the time. Ah well... one of the mysteries of life I suppose.
I know this isn't a laughing subject but your one liner about them eating static got me rolling about earlier today.
But I have realised something, people care in a myriad of ways... some care by acknowledging that you are a mature adult and want to give you time and space to retreat into a cave till you find a solution to yr difficulties, others believe in rallying around cheerleader style to jazz you on thru the entire difficult period.
Then there are some who run when you stop being fun during a difficult stage.
As for feeling like a loser... I empathize with you on that. These loser-ish feelings are oft, self induced and it takes a long time before you can shuck it off and start anew.
Hang in there Anon and please, if it helps, come by here often to leave us comments on how you are doing.
Acey has shamed me into coming back to this blog. I might leave more useless snippets for nobody to read!
At 12:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
At 10:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, as you can see this is my first post here.
I will be glad to receive any help at the start.
Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)
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