Dark Skies

I had to snap a couple of pics to remember it by.
Have I ever mentioned how I love the weather just before it rains? Everything seems to stop and with bated breath, everyone waits for confirmation of an impending storm. The weather cools down considerably, there are gusts of cool winds blowing, everything becomes silent, the World looks tamer and less domineering.
Now, I am aware that in most countries, a storm is the least favourite weather and it is nothing like a storm in the tropics. But then again, living in constant heat and humidity, people like me do get a little reprieve every once in awhile.
I dislike when the skies finally split open and rain spills. The magic of the impending storm is no longer an uncertainty. The finality has been revealed. Everyone breathes easier when the rain is here. Most times, people sigh. Knowing that with the rain, a portion of their freedom has been cut and they have to wait the rain out.
I have to put in the disclaimer that whilst I deplore the Thunders that come with most storms, it is true that I am a Lightning Streak Fan. I am mesmerised by the flashes of lightning that are so random and obscure. I am thoroughly in love with the freestyling patterns of Lightning Streaks. I have tonnes of pictures taken by photographers, of the many different colours, streaks and scenarios of lightning streaks. Given a chance though, I would not want to be standing beside the photographers risking life and limb to take such award winning pictures. (Might be due to some saying the Chinese have about how Lightning will strike the Evil? Thus villians like me, should always stay indoors during a thunderstorm for fear of being struck down dead. Ha!)
Anyways, here are a couple of other pics I took today, along with some pics I think should win awards:

And these are pics I love, deserving of Awards (Pics are from Webshots Gallery):
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Copyright of Superstock, Inc
At 11:36 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
Whilst it was raining this morning, I was rushing to the cinema to watch this.
At 12:33 AM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Wow... that's quite an accomplishment. Was it a pre-arranged movie with a friend and that is why you went, come hell or high waters?
I just got back from another night of excess drinking. Have been doing so the entire weekend from Friday onwards.
Gosh... will I turn into an alkie next?
At 12:45 AM,
Acey Deucey said…
Well, we arranged for it earlier in the morning when the skies were still clear. Then an hour later, it darkened considerably, but I had already given my word.
I shall refrain from nagging, I shall refrain from nagging, I shall refrain from nagging...
At 1:05 AM,
ChroniclesofChaos said…
Oh dear... this is another of your infamous cryptic messages eh?
I shall assume it ain't me...I shall assume it ain't me...I shall assume it ain't me...
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