Shopping Strategy and J's Move To Kazakhstan
Did retail therapy yesterday in hopes to jog flailing interest in life. Didn't work.
I did buy what I set out to buy but other than that, didn't really spend any on apparel. J was shocked.
Anyways, meeting with her again brought back so many memories. One of which was to thunk myself over the head and remember that I hated shopping with her. She is one of the slowest shoppers ever to exist on planet earth. She has this incredible need to touch every single piece of clothing on the rack, regardless if the material or style suits her. By the time she was done, we had to barge into a closed Aussino just so I can get a bath sheet. Grrr!
Women should have a strategy for shopping. Go in, do the survey of all racks, and only move towards those that are within the acceptable price, colour, size range, material, blah blah. After which, swoop onto the rack of choice, see something interesting, search for a piece in the appropriate size and then pull it out to consider. DO NOT look at the piece and consider for half an hour, only to find that there isn't a size available for you (What a bloody waste of time and anticipation!). Move on and do not linger if there isn't an available colour or size for you. Anyways... I digress.
Anyways, when I finally managed to drag her kicking and screaming towards a much needed cafe, we got to talking about her impending move. K will be posted to either Kazakhstan or some neighbouring country in about 3-6 months and she will be following him this time. I suppose I should be glad that she is going this time round so that they can begin trying to start a family.
J has always been regimented with a schedule. When to get married, to buy a home, to enjoy couplehood, to start a family. I guess she is more "manly" in that sense as compared to me, the wuss when it comes to affairs of the heart. I could never stick to a schedule. But I am glad for one aspect though, that when she brings a child to this sorry planet of ours, it will be a child brought up by loving Christian parents and the child will be wanted.
I have always believed that children should never be brought into this world for any other reason than that. Suffice it to say that I believe abortion is always the option when parents are not ready to give the child 120%. Be it an unwanted child, hectic work schedules, parents with no inkling of responsibilities, parents not in a marriage, parents who have no idea what marriage vows means, etc. I have had a bad childhood with my own mom and I guess this has helped to shape what I feel a child needs. Also, my skeptism on marriage is not helping this cause. It is not that I do not believe in my own faithfulness or devotion to a marriage. I hold it to be the ever true sanctity in life. I just do not trust the partner to value the vows as much as I do. That being said, I do not believe it is a gamble I would want to risk anytime soon.
We talked about staying in contact although she believes I may not travel the distance to visit her. She forgets my love for travel to places other than Asia and spirit of adventure. Nonetheless, I will be losing the comfort of a friend who can always be counted on to give me her emotional support for times when I stumble on this treacherous road of love. I guess amongst all close friends, she is the only one who has made the effort to see me through my facades of strength.
Take care J! I will miss you but I believe the cause for your departure is so much more meaningful and important! And I long for the day where I will be the favourite cool aunt to your child (Yes... I intend to be the good cop whilst the parents will be the bad cops).
I did buy what I set out to buy but other than that, didn't really spend any on apparel. J was shocked.
Anyways, meeting with her again brought back so many memories. One of which was to thunk myself over the head and remember that I hated shopping with her. She is one of the slowest shoppers ever to exist on planet earth. She has this incredible need to touch every single piece of clothing on the rack, regardless if the material or style suits her. By the time she was done, we had to barge into a closed Aussino just so I can get a bath sheet. Grrr!
Women should have a strategy for shopping. Go in, do the survey of all racks, and only move towards those that are within the acceptable price, colour, size range, material, blah blah. After which, swoop onto the rack of choice, see something interesting, search for a piece in the appropriate size and then pull it out to consider. DO NOT look at the piece and consider for half an hour, only to find that there isn't a size available for you (What a bloody waste of time and anticipation!). Move on and do not linger if there isn't an available colour or size for you. Anyways... I digress.
Anyways, when I finally managed to drag her kicking and screaming towards a much needed cafe, we got to talking about her impending move. K will be posted to either Kazakhstan or some neighbouring country in about 3-6 months and she will be following him this time. I suppose I should be glad that she is going this time round so that they can begin trying to start a family.
J has always been regimented with a schedule. When to get married, to buy a home, to enjoy couplehood, to start a family. I guess she is more "manly" in that sense as compared to me, the wuss when it comes to affairs of the heart. I could never stick to a schedule. But I am glad for one aspect though, that when she brings a child to this sorry planet of ours, it will be a child brought up by loving Christian parents and the child will be wanted.
I have always believed that children should never be brought into this world for any other reason than that. Suffice it to say that I believe abortion is always the option when parents are not ready to give the child 120%. Be it an unwanted child, hectic work schedules, parents with no inkling of responsibilities, parents not in a marriage, parents who have no idea what marriage vows means, etc. I have had a bad childhood with my own mom and I guess this has helped to shape what I feel a child needs. Also, my skeptism on marriage is not helping this cause. It is not that I do not believe in my own faithfulness or devotion to a marriage. I hold it to be the ever true sanctity in life. I just do not trust the partner to value the vows as much as I do. That being said, I do not believe it is a gamble I would want to risk anytime soon.
We talked about staying in contact although she believes I may not travel the distance to visit her. She forgets my love for travel to places other than Asia and spirit of adventure. Nonetheless, I will be losing the comfort of a friend who can always be counted on to give me her emotional support for times when I stumble on this treacherous road of love. I guess amongst all close friends, she is the only one who has made the effort to see me through my facades of strength.
Take care J! I will miss you but I believe the cause for your departure is so much more meaningful and important! And I long for the day where I will be the favourite cool aunt to your child (Yes... I intend to be the good cop whilst the parents will be the bad cops).
At 2:22 PM,
Acey Deucey said…
Fwah! Kazakhstan?! I don't even know where is its geographical position. Heck, I don't even know how to spell it properly.
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