A Date with Autumn
12th June:
A little cloud misted over my vision recently. I was talking to a friend when he asked what I was up to for the day. I said I seemed to have triple booked myself for I had lunch plans with my extended family, a birthday dinner and a couple of drinks till 11pm. There was supposed to be drinks with another bunch of friends after midnight that day but it was subsequently pushed to sunday. He asked if I wanted to watch The Omen. I wasn't too keen to spend the night glancing over my shoulder in fear, within the confines of my own room, so I said I would go only if it was for Xmen.
He said he would get the tickets then. We met and well... it was disconcerting. It felt like ... well... it felt like a date. It dawned on me only when I was sitting in the movie theatre. All the signs of a juvenile first date surfaced... or at least it seemed so to me. I won't embarrass myself further by describing what those signs were but it made my eyebrow arch a tad. Yes... just a tad.
I feel embarrassed and ancient beyond my time. Why? I hear someone ask nonchalantly? Well... personally I feel a little too old for this song and dance routine. I am also tired. I want things as simple and transparent for awhile.
Fastforward to 14th Jun: We spoke again today and the bomb I have been waiting for finally dropped. He asked me point blank if he thought we had a chance in hell. I had to be honest. I told him that I have no propensity to care for anything or one other than myself.
I think he said ok or something. I don't remember. I just remember a detachment when I said it.
Well... the conclusion of the story is that we are watching yet another movie tomorrow. This is before I am supposed to meet friends for another birthday and drinks session.
I think after all the birthdays I am celebrating for the whole world... when it's my turn, I shall crawl into my hidey hole to hide for the day. hehe