Chronicles of Chaos

Chronicles of an existence... Perfect Order within the Chaos.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Nightmare 101

Had a migraine. Against better judgement, went to bed to rest for a bit.

Had another friggin nightmare again in that short span of time.

I was packing my stuff from his place. His room door opened and his cousin's wife walked out. She looked across the hall and saw me packing. She turned around and asked him why I was still there. Apparantly, the two of them are together now (This is a girl that he doesn't even like!).

She held onto his hand and walked towards me. He said I had to leave. I was infuriated. I was packing wasn't I??! I suddenly turned around and wondered when the hell they got together and my seat wasn't even cold yet!

She saw my look, smiled ever so sweetly, and spouted some gushing gooey love story as though I was her best friend. I felt her words were edged with broken glass, razor sharp and ready to draw blood.

They both turned and walked back to his room, closing the door on me. I was left alone outside, packing my stuff but I couldn't move no matter how much I urged myself to pack and leave.

What a loser nightmare huh?

If I could but choose whom I love...I would also be able to choose what I would have a nightmare about... this is nonsense!


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